Empirically validated knowledge to support companies in planning their future
For over 30 years now, GIM values research has been examining the interaction between brands and consumers, always with an eye on what lies ahead. But rather than “predict the future”, we aim to create an empirical knowledge base for planning the future of your company. Together we can identify your strategic opportunities in new business areas.
GIM foresight works for both global brand manufacturers and medium-sized suppliers of products and services—because the future concerns everyone!
Our work is scientifically sound and our team works at the interface of various disciplines (e.g. market research, future research, innovation research), which rules out the risk of a silo perspective.
This is why we’re able to find solutions which address and answer your research questions.

Values & Visions 2030 at the centre of our foresight
Values & Visions 2030, GIM’s baseline survey, forms the core of our cultural foresight. The universal futures and values study takes an interdisciplinary multi-stage approach. For this we combine ‘Future Lounges’ (young start-up leaders) with Delphi research (established experts in the field of future and values) and representative survey results.
Values & Visions 2030 identifies five megatrends and 32 value frames that will shape society in future. With this know-how we can understand people’s expectations, hopes and fears and anticipate future consumer behaviour.
The VV2030 analysis framework allows us to transfer these insights to all kinds of sectors and economic fields. This puts us in a position to advise how shifting social values will impact on your sector in general and more specifically on your target groups.
The baseline survey has been internationally substantiated in the German, French, Chinese and US markets. This allows inter-cultural comparisons to be made.
GIM foresight in a nutshell: Our offer as a compact Pdf!