Start today the brand success of tomorrow
GIM foresight advises you on future brand, target group and communication strategies.
We have ideas to help you plan your products and portfolio, and we can guide you through society‘s changing values.

Values & Visions 2030 maps out the future
Our expertise when it comes to cultural foresight stems largely from the universal futures and values study entitled Values & Visions 2030.
It maps out the future and traces changing attitudes and values within society on the basis of key megatrends.
The Black Swan COVID-19: Study on the future after Corona
The representative study on the future after Corona answers the question, which effects the Corona crisis has on action-leading values and attitudes of consumers. We conducted the baseline study during the shutdown in April, a second survey wave followed during the relaxation phase at the end of July.
Learn more about the study

Sustainability & Brand Management: The new GIM foresight Whitepaper
What are the reasons for and against sustainable consumer behaviour? To what extent are industries and brands perceived as sustainable? Why is the need for sustainability only reflected to a limited extent in lifestyle?
"Sustainability & Brand Management" answers these and other questions and expands your consumer understanding in the current phase of transformation. The contents accompany you on the way to sustainable brand management.
Learn more about Sustainability & Brand Management
GIM foresight solutions transfer knowledge to your brand
Our solutions link futures research with market and brand research. Our analytical framework, comprised of different modules and concrete product offerings, enables us to transfer our knowledge to your brand. This puts us in a position to advise how shifting social values impact on your sector in general and more specifically on your target groups.

Case studies und success stories make our work tangible
GIM foresight upholds the 25-year-old heritage of GIM futures research.
We advise numerous companies on future strategy and make our own contribution to this academic discipline.
Our experts are here to advise you and conduct research on your behalf
GIM foresight synchronizes future research and market research, with the help of experts who are at home in both disciplines. The team is supported in the exchange of content and academic ideas by a network of partners from the field of futures research.