GIM foresight combines futures research with market research.
Our experts are therefore experienced and accomplished in both areas. They’re supported by a network of academic partners from the discipline of futures research.

Senior Director Foresight
Dr. Hannes Fernow
Phone +49 (0)30 2400 09 14
Mobile +49 (0)162 2525 897
Dr. Hannes Fernow is a German philosopher und futurologist. He did his doctorate at the University of Heidelberg, where he received the Environmental Prize from the Viktor and Sigrid Dulger Foundation for his dissertation on climate technologies between innovation and regulation. He is a sought-after keynote speaker, book author and published in peer-reviewed journals. With a particular passion for forward thinking, his analyses and future scenarios focus on the needs, values and living environments of today and tomorrow. He regularly facilitates workshops on the subject and researches at the interface between everyday culture and technology to service innovations and brand management and future strategies.
Specialist areas: mobility, automotive, finance & services
Director Foresight
Michael Mletzko
Phone +49 (0) 911 4775 66 26
Mobile +49 (0) 162 2525 908
With an academic background in attitude research and psephology, Michael Mletzko focuses on quantitative analysis techniques and the linking of quantitative and qualitative data sources. He advises clients from a diverse range of sectors on brand strategy and development, communication measures and target groups. His focus here is on future developments and anticipating such developments for branding.
Specialist areas: automotive, FMCG, retail & technology.

Manager Foresight
Tanja Skiendziel-Scheeler
Phone +49 (0) 911 477 566 40
Tanja Skiendziel-Scheeler is an M. Sc. psychologist specialising in industrial and organisational psychology.
In her Bachelor's and Master's thesis, she dealt with the topics of emotions and emotion recognition. Her bachelor thesis on the validity of automated emotion recognition was published in a peer-reviewed journal.
During her studies, she already supported different academic chairs in research projects on topics such as personality and initiative at work. Her focus is the work environment of tomorrow.
Junior Manager Foresight
Meike Weber
Telefon +49 (0) 152 346 447 75
Meike Weber hat einen Master-Abschluss in Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Statistik. Neben ihrem quantitativen Hintergrund, insbesondere im Bereich Marketing Analytics, interessiert sie sich stark für die Verhaltensdynamik von Menschen und wie sich das Kaufverhalten in den nächsten Jahren entwickeln wird.
Meikes Stärken liegen in Prognose- und Vorhersagemodellen sowie in multivariaten Analysemethoden. In ihrer Masterarbeit konnte sie mithilfe von Natural Language Processing (NLP) Vorhersagen über Produktinnovationen treffen. Meikes Leidenschaft und Forschungsschwerpunkt bei der GIM foresight liegt im Bereich Kunst und Kultur.

Senior Manager Foresight GIM Suisse
Nina Burger
Nina Burger besitzt einen Master/lic. phil. in Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Allgemeiner Psychologie und Germanistik und arbeitet seit über 15 Jahren in der Markt- und Medienforschung sowohl auf Kunden- als auch Institutsseite.
Sie zeichnet sich durch eine sehr breite qualitative wie quantitative Methodenexpertise aus und zu ihren Stärken gehören mehrstufige Multi-Methoden-Projekte, tieferes Zielgruppenverständnis sowie Workshop-Konzeption.
Ihre inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte bei GIM foresight liegen im Bereich Trend- und Grundlagenforschung in den Bereichen Medien, Freizeit und Gesundheit.
Senior Manager Foresight GIM Suisse
Stephanie Huser
Stephanie Huser joined GIM in 2012 and holds a Master in Social Sciences (specialized Master in Communication Management and Research, NF Psychology) from the University of Zurich.
Her methodological and analytical focus is on the development of complex questionnaires, multivariate analyses (including segmentations), preference approaches, moderating/conducting ethnographic interviews, in-homes as well as focus groups.
At GIM foresight, her emphasis lies in the area of quantitative basic research (e.g. conception of Values & Visions 2030, including the development of value types and the creation of the tagging tool) and their integration into current target group analyses.

Senior Manager Foresight GIM Suisse
Marieke Wünsche
Marieke Wünsche holds a degree in social economics and specialises in social psychology and qualitative methods.
She has been a passionate qualitative researcher for 15 years, specialising in various topics (including children and youth market research, FMCG and finance). In the GIM foresight team, she primarily researches food trends and the GIM future value types, which she has included in numerous studies as an additional level of analysis.